Management development

Effective management training

The EFFECTIVE MANAGER is a modularly built management development program, the primary goal of which is to provide managers with practical knowledge relating their everyday work.

The methodology blends training, knowledge transfer, working from home (solving real problems based on the knowledge transferred) and problem-solving in a team.

The module always starts with a knowledge sharing session in a small group, which is followed by individual problem-solving based on the learnt material. In case of practicing managers, the tasks always mean processing a topical issue or problem related to the acquired theoretical material. On the second half-day meeting of the module the participants jointly discuss the solutions, thus reinforcing their knowledge and taking advantage of the possibility from learning from each other.


  • … we want to ensure conscious manager succession.
  • … our managers include juniors.
  • … systems need to be established in our organization.
  • … we want to provide support to our managers.

A projekt eredményei:

  • Vezetőink erős tudásanyagot kapnak
  • Munkatársaink az elméletben tanultakat könnyebben át tudják fordítani a gyakorlatba
  • Vezetőink megértik a szervezet működésének összefüggő rendszerét
  • Javul a vállalat eredményessége

0036 20 974 9896